Announcement of Rights Acquisition Regarding International Patents for Diabetes Treatment

Published On: April 18, 2022Categories: Research

Biozipcode, Inc. would like to inform you that we have filed an international application under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) with Shiga University of Medical Science as the applicant for the following inventions. Upon registration of the patents, we will acquire the rights to these patents from Shiga University of Medical Science.

In this instance, Biozipcode, Inc. will acquire rights related to the following two patents for which PCT international applications have been filed:

Application Number
(Application Date)
Publication Number
(Publication Date)
Title of the Invention
Treatment of Diabetes Targeting Abnormal Stem Cells
Treatment of Diabetes Using Stem Cell Mobilizers

Biozipcode, Inc. intends to proceed with the domestic phase entry procedure based on the PCT treaty for these patents, given the anticipated high demand for diabetes treatments, in Japan, the United States, Europe, China, Australia, and South Korea. We will continue to progress through the necessary procedures for registration in each country.

Biozipcode, Inc. will also consider additional patent applications as needed and advance research and development targeting a worldwide market for the development of treatments not only for diabetes but also for challenging diseases like cancer.
